Question Answers Feb4th Paper

1 ) Father of Yoga . 

Sage Patanjali 

2) Yoga Chitt Vritti Nirodha is Quoted in Patanjali Yoga Sutra 

Chitta-vritti-nirodha refers to calming the mind through the meditative techniques of Patanjali yoga. By calming these mental fluctuations, the yogi opens him/herself to experience union with the Divine, the Higher Self or the Absolute Reality. Among these fluctuations of the mind are desires and attachments, which can be to worldly objects, ideas or even relationships.

The term comes from the Sanskrit, chitta, meaning “consciousness” or “mind-stuff”; vritti, meaning “fluctuations”; and nirodha, meaning “suppression” or “restraint.”

In the Yoga Sutras, Patanjali refers to yoga as chitta-vritti-nirodha. In other words, when the fluctuations of the mind have been quieted, you reach an ultimate state called kaivalya, or "aloneness." In this state, you are able to perceive the divine within.

Various yoga practices help you achieve chitta-vritti-nirodha, including Patanjali's eight-limbed path: among them, asanas (physical postures), pranayama (breathing exercises), meditation, and observing the yamas(restraints) and niyamas (observances).

3) What does Kati Means in Ardhakati Chakrasana 

Kati mean waist 
Its a half Wheel Pose 

4) Mudra Used For Thyroid patients 
Shankha Mudra 

5) Complimentery of Halasana is Chakrasana 
6) Crossed triangle pose is parivirth Trikon Asana 

7) Sadanta Pranayama is a cooling pranayama 

8) Pooraka is inhale Rechaka is exhale 

9) Benefits of Pavanmukhtanasana is Gas release 

10) Cell body inside brain is Neorons 

Some Books 

Hathayoga Pradipika : Swami Swatmaram Suri 
Light of Yoga : BKS Iyengar 
Patanjali Yoga Sutra : Sage Patanjali 
Bhagvat Gita : Vedavyasa 
Gheranda Samhita :Maharishi Gheranda

Fiil Up the blanks 

1) Yoga is joining of I with parmatma. 
2) Control of min through regulation breathing is called Pranayama 
3) Femur is the longest bone in human body 
4) Garudha Asana resembles eagle. 
5) Full form of IRT is instance relaxation technique,  

Part 5
1) we have 72000 Nadis in our body 
2) Apana Vayu Mudra :

Mudra for Heart Sanjeevani Mudra 
1) Heart Issue 
2) Controls high BP 
3) Controls the Cholesterol 
4) Relieves toothaches 
5) Backaches 
6) Joint Pains
7) Chest Pains  

3) The Five fold Personality Development are 
  • Physical Level 
  • Mental Level 
  • Emotional Level 
  • Intellectual Level 
  • Spiritual Level 
4) Four Asana for Digestive Disorders (GI Disorders )
  • Ardha Kati Chakrasana 
  • Ardha Chakrasana 
  • Ustrasana 
  • Matsyasana 
5) Benefits of Anulom Vilom Paranayama 
Effects on brain positive thinking
  • Treats snoring 
  • Controls obesity.
  • Beneficial for arthritis.
  • It treats constipation
  • Controls allergic problems.
  • Manages blood circulation.
  • Improves muscular system
  • Diabetics can be controlled.
  • Maintains digestive system.
  • Blood pressure can be cured.
  • Decreases stress and anxiety.
  • Effects on brain positive thinking.
  • Helps in making heart health healthy.
  • Transfers negative to positive thoughts.
  • Increases pure oxygen supply throughout the body.
6) Limitation of Padahasthasan 

People with vertigo severe degree of hypertension , cervical spondylosis , and disc prolapse to avoid this posture.

7.) Name all Upanishads 
  • Upanishad 
    • Aitareya 
    • Chandogya 
    • Keno
    • Katha
    • Taittreya
    • Isha
    • Brihadaranya
    • Prashna
    • Mundaka
    • Mandukya

Part -7

Briefly Explain Karma Yoga . 

Name 12 Steps Suryanamaskara Mantra 

Steps . 

1) hasthuthanasana          inhale 
2) Padhasthasana             exhale 
3) Ashvasanchalana        inhale 
4) Tula asana                   exhale 
5) Shashanka Asana       inhale exhale 
6) Ashtanga Namaskara  inhale hold your breathe
7) Bujhang Asanas        inhale 
8) Parvataasana             exhale 
9) Shashanka Asana      inhale exhale 
10)Ashwa Sanchalana  inhale 
11) Padahasthasana       exhale 
12) Hasuthanaasana      inhale 

Sthi                                 exhale 

BIJA Mantras and Meaning
Om Hram Mitraya Namah ( I bow to my friend)
Om Hrim Ravaya Namah (I bow to Shine )
Om Hrum Surya Namah (I bow to beautiful light)
Om Hraim Bhanveye Namah (brilliance )
Om Hroum Khagaye Namah (One who moves to sky )
Om Hrah Pushne Namah (Giver)
Om Hram HiranGarbhaye Namah (Golden Calm)
Om Hrim Marichye Namah (Ray of light)
Om Hrum Adityaye Namah (Son of Aditi )
Om Hraim Savitre Namah (Benfecient Energy )
OM Hroum Arkaye Namah (Essential energy )
Om hrah Bhaskaraye Namah (Leading to entitlement)

Three types of Blood Circulation 

a) Systemic Circulation 
b) Pulmonary Circulation 
c) Portal Circulation 

Three Relaxation Techniques 

a) IRT (Instance Relaxation technique )
b) Quick relaxation technique (QRT)
c) Deep relaxation technique 

Yoga Therepy for PCOD 
Bhadrakon Asana (Butterfly pose )
Setu Bhandh Asana 
Ashwini Mudra 
Mul Bandha 
Ashtanga Namaskara 
Jal Bandha 

For Period 
Pascimotasasana Ustrasansa 

Mudra for PCOD 
Yoni Mudra 

  • Manduk 
  • Artha Matyasendra Asana
  • Vakraasana 
  • Mayura Asana 
  • Dhanurasna 
Apana Mudra 

Eight Step method of teaching 


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